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My Tumblr posts are coming back up in the vortex

HOW BIZZARE is it when you look back on the things you had written years ago, and how they are still in resonance now?

I recently had an old Tumblr post found and bought to my attention, now this was mid-2019!

I loved it so much, I wanted to re-post it here to remind myself to keep moving, keep going and follow my highest excitement.

Writing has always been an outlet for me, even more so now while I'm navigating sober living and discovering more about myself, my soul and my lifetimes parallel to this one.....

So here we go...


This ain't my first rodeo, I’ve probably spent more time setting up a blogging page with no direction of what or how I should be sharing... all i know is that shits about to get real..

Let me take you back to the beginning..

I have this wonderful lady in my life called Nadine *Hi IF YOU ARE READING THIS* who is like my spiritual yoda, you could call her! I first was introduced to Nadine and her gifts by a Homeopath that I had been seeing called Zoe *HI ALSO* way back when I was pregnant to my son, just over 6 years ago now.

I was at a crossroad in my life, left a broken marriage found my twin flame which i didn't know what that was at the time but we fell fast and hard and ended up being pregnant within 6 months of our relationship from this lifetime... I had so many past life and current life trauma that was consuming me. I. HAD. TO LET SHIT. GO..

With the wonders of the help from Zoe I managed to fall into Nadine’s work and as I grew in my journey, the more I read of her articles, the more I started to understand... This was a huge part of my awakening.

Now lets just clarify that I am no way shape or form close to being where I need to be in my spiritual journey- but I am way closer then I have been.

I finally had the chance to have a one on one with Nadine with a souls life purpose reading and wowsers, did that knock my socks off... We spoke about whats happening, whats coming and yeah, you are going to be a writer....

Say what now?

“Yes this is your souls life purpose to write and change lives...”

I left that reading pumped, so ready to take my new place on Earth as some Anointed being with a purpose, until I had no idea what the fuck I was meant to actually be writing about or sharing....

I spent hours setting up pages, writing, hating what I am saying- Trying to construct stories, starting books only to end up with a block.... the list goes on and on....I know in every fibre of my being that this is what I am meant to do, but I can not for the life of me figure out point A.... but in that time I found the people that I needed to get that zest for the art again even if i didn't know it until 9am this morning....*Hi Mel, Hi Emma, Hi Chezzy, Hi Beth*

After I left Nadine, I had a list of people to connect with obviously when the time was right but I found on my own path the yellow brick road only mine was a dusty track because the universe LOVES to give me massive tests I’m sure and loves to watch me conquer said tests because I’m a naturally laid back being that unless its urgent I’ll get to it later kinda deal.

BUT lets not forget that our guides and angels are also present and when you ignore your path long enough the Universe says “Hold my beer” and showers you with lessons until you finally fucking pay attention...

I had my first Reiki treatment with my soul sister Beth *HI BETH!* and in this session we worked on my solar plexus, helping unclog the energy centre as years of suppressed emotions, feels, situations, people, experiences that I normally would take to a book and release, I hadn't which had lead to a giant dumping pit of rubbish just stayed there.... Beth also had the same message about writing, and releasing, and that it’s an integral part of my journey. So I started writing in my diary, but again I found myself being distracted by life and so on and such...

I ended up finding out that I had caught Glandular fever, making me bed ridden for a week with nowhere to go but inwards.... I found out in this time so many emotions that I had thought I wouldnt experience again. I found myself feeling lonely, depressed, down and generally crappy about myself... I needed to change things STAT!

This has to be the kicker of the story, My Yoda had a competition to win a reading, Not even thinking.... I bloody won it. And I know for a fact that my guides and angels are sending a message and the Universe is going to kick my ass hardcore if I don't start listening....

So this is my journey... I actually don’t know where this will take me but I am strapping in and going to enjoy the ride.. I’ve had enough life lessons now, this spiritual baby is going to learn and share this journey with others in my situation.. Life path #5 whoo!

Until next time, Jen x

Now, if you have been following my journey, you know that 2021- 2022 was a ripper of a year ( Im currently writing my book) THIS just goes to show the timelines we are on and how fast times are speeding up.

If you haven't already been projected into the time and space to follow your souls guidance, I highly recommend tapping in and sitting with yourself.

2023 is the year for action.

I love you.

I see you.

I hold you.

Jen X

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